Web Transfers and Payments

Making payments from there to here.

Now use your funds from another financial institution to make your Eagle Federal loan payment online using any credit or debit card or from any checking or savings accountNo more worrying about stamps, snail mail, late fees, check-writing, or forgetting to record loan payments. 

Simply give us a call at 888-281-8485 or click the link below to initiate a one-time electronic transfer or payment.*

It’s safe, quick and efficient.

Web Payment Login Web Payment Instructions

*Please allow 1-2 business days from the scheduled date for telephone payments.  Please allow 3-5 business days from the date scheduled to process electronic payments. 

Interested in setting up a fee Free recurring payment monthly, bi-weekly, or semi-monthly? Follow the directions below to get started.

Web Payment Recurring Form** Open PDF form.  | Go to eSign site. Accessibility Report

To Submit the Web Payment Recurring Form, choose one of these 3 options:

  1. Choose eSign and electronically sign and submit using DocuSign®.
  2. Choose PDF and complete, sign, and return in person at any Eagle Federal branch, by mail, or fax to (225) 927-1960.
  3. Choose the PDF, complete scan, and upload below.

Questions? Give us a call at (225) 927-1900 or (888) 281-8485.

Document Upload

  • Max. file size: 256 MB.

**Get more information about eSign and how it works by visiting DocuSign. If you have trouble using DocuSign to electronically sign or submit your form, please contact Eagle Federal.